Video The Murder The idea of making this video with Plotagon was good, but it also had many inconveniences. For example, you must pay for many scenes. Otherwise, you cannot use them. That made us to change some essential parts of the plot. Even so, it was worth it. We liked animations and we learnt a lot from this experience.
I come from an old country. First, I was in a beach of New York and it was so calm that I was very happy. For one thing I’m shy and for another thing I’m interested in everything. Secondly, I was playing with my friends and a wave took me during a lot of days until I arrived to another country with a lot of people. It was a very dirty beach until a woman caught me and carried me to her House. Then she carried me to a very big school. I see you very big and you are like a monster for me. I speak a very strange Language for you that it’s called shelling.
My group and me did this video with Plotagon. This experience in general was great and funny. The most we liked it was to write the dialogue because we had different ideas at the beginning, but later we finally shared the same point of view. Making the characters was also fun: you could chose whatever you wanted and that was perfect for us. Story Board: Odissey in space 2025
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